First Mockup
I do enjoy documenting my various kit builds - both for my own future reference but also
for the satisfaction of potentially helping other modelers avoid mistakes/pitfalls. However,
such documentation can be time consuming - and what little free time I have, I like to spend
actually modeling. So I try to achieve a balance between the two: modeling, but with enough breaks
to create a "build log" that is actually useful.
For me, obtaining a new kit usually includes an examination of the kit's contents
and instruction manuals, then letting things simmer for a few days while I consider the best way to approach
the build. Next I familiarize myself with the kit components, which inevitably results in a mockup both to
see how the model might look (inspiration) and how the fit of the kit looks at a gross level (desperation).
For the YMW Boston kit, the sequence went pretty much according to plan, except that I put perhaps 20-hours
of build time into the project before doing the first mockup. Some of this effort is visible in the photos that follow.
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As described elsewhere, I had higher hopes for this kit than what I found in the box. Virtually every deckhouse piece contains
unacceptable surface texturing which does two things: it necessitates hours of cleanup (ie., sanding/polishing the surface to a
reasonable finish) and losing all cast-in detail on the part. In this photo, evidence of such work is visible on the #2 turret as well
as the main deck deckhouse.
As with my YMW Montana kit, it is almost as if two different companies produced the hull and superstructure... and the one doing the
hulls has a somewhat better understanding of how to mold a resin part. In this photo the upper/lower halves have been joined, and fairing
work has begun on the forward 1/3rd of the hull. The cast-in belt armor (which starts about 1/3rd of the way back from the bow) will likely
have to be completely scrubbed off due to a significant mis-match in the widths of the two hull halves (more on this later).
Despite the problems, she DOES look like a CAG...
Photo showing midships detail. The 3"/50 gun tubs will have to be replaced with scratchbuilt parts: they are molded in two parts - the support piece
and the tub itself. The contour of the tubs isn't close to that of the supports, and the the splinter shields scale out to between 9- and
12-inches thick (ditto the shields on the upper-level deckhouses). Reference material shows this should be closer to one-inch.
How about some PE? Also in this photo you can see that work has begun on clean-up/construction of the 01-level deckhouse.
Moving further aft, you can see that all surface detail on the main deck 'house has been sanded off, and that only some remains on the
01-level (you can see a cast-in ladder and a few hatches). Even if the surface texture weren't so prevalent, the details (ladders, hatches, etc.) are too
soft for my needs: I likely would have gotten rid of them anyway. Note the thickness of the splinter shields around the 04-level deckhouse (aft).
Aside from my poor photographic skills, you can see some of the nice detail cast in to foc'sle.